In this post I would like to continue part of my journal, and the part is method.
The research applies quantitative method which
explains phenomena by collecting numerical
data that are analyzed using mathematically
based method (Aliaga and Gunderson, 2002,
p.1). The research design is quasi-experimental,
which is pre-test post-test non equivalent
design. The research was conducted in one of Private
Senior High Schools in Bandung, West Java.
The reasons of choosing the school as the
research site is because the school is relatively
accessible. The classrooms selection were based
on the discussion with the class teacher. The
research was using two classrooms consist of
the students of X Science 2 and X Social 2 with
total 64 students. The students were observed
during their English lesson.
The data collection on the paper researcher conducted in 2 ways, namely by doing tests that iclude pre test and post test and the last way is conducting interviews.
For test itself the
researcher will be testing the ability of the
students at pronouncing some vocabularies in
the beginning of the research (pre-test) and in
the end of the research (post-test). The students
will be tested based on the three aspects;
pronunciation, intonation, and stress.
The researcher provided pre-test for the
students in the beginning of teaching to find
out their English pronunciation mastery. The
researcher prepared the script and selected
vocabularies from the script. In this pre-test,
the students’s pronunciation were recorded and
they were asked to pronounce some words to
gain score. The selected words are included in
pronunciation aspects, such as: pronunciation
(individual sound and combination sound),
intonation (expression and level tone), and
stress (simple words).
After the treatment, the students were also
given the same words from pre-test. In this
stage, the researcher also recorded the students’
pronunciation and took their final score.
The interview consists of five quetions to be
answered. The interview is conducted to
answer research question regarding students’
response toward film as teaching media to
improve pronunciation ability.
Data Analysis
To calculate the data, the researcher uses t-test
formula adapted from Anas Sudijono’s book to
find out whether there is significant difference
between experimental class and control class.
The t-test formula which is used in this
research is as follows:
After gaining the t-test, the researcher
determines the level of significance at which
Teaching English pronunciation using film
will conduct the test of the null hypothesis.
Coolidge (2000, p. 149) stated that stasticians
are in nearly complete agreement that the
starting level of the significance level should be
p= .05 (the conventional level of significance).
The conclusion is gained as follows:
a) H0 is accepted if (t0) < (tt) in
significant degree .05
b) Ha is accepted if (t0) > (tt) in
significant degree .05
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