
Sabtu, 27 April 2019

Improving Students’ Pronunciation through Communicative Drilling Technique (Finding, Discussion, and Conclusion)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hi friends!!
In this post, I would like to discuss the journal's Finding, Discussion, and Conclusion.

1. Finding
In the "Finding" section, the researcher divided the section into three cycles, namely cycle I, cycle II, cycle III.
a. Cycle I
Students’ Pronunciation Score in Cycle I
Base on the evaluation and reflection. researcher and collaborator conclude that there is an improvement in students' pronunciation. However, the researcher feels that it is important to increase students' pronunciation because the indicator of success has not been reached yet because some of the students are still lack of motivation, lack of practice. and they are not active enough. therefore, researcher and collaborator need to do the action again. 

b. Cycle II
Students’ Pronunciation Score in Cycle II
From the data above, the researcher feels that the indicator of success has not been reached yet because there are some problems in pronunciation teaching activity. That is why the researcher and collaborator think that it is important to overcome the problem in order indicator can be reached. Therefore, it is needed to do the next cycle.

c. Cycle III

Students’ Pronunciation Score in Cycle II
From the figure above, the researcher and collaborator conclude that the indicator of the teacher in learning has been reached. Therefore, the researcher decides to stop the action.

2. Discussion 

There are many problems that are faced by EFL learners when they studying English. One of the most common problems is difficulties that happen during pronunciation teaching and learning process. Most of them feel difficult when they pronounce English words. It is caused by many factors. The factor can be age factor, phonetic ability, lack of practice, motivation, personality or attitude, and mother tongue. The factors make students are not interested when they learn pronunciation in the classroom. Consequently, EFL learners at Senior High School 07 are not good pronunciation. That is why it is very important to overcome the problems by applying drilling technique. Drilling technique is one of the ways that used in teaching English pronunciation that refers to the behaviorist approach where the students are suggested to be familiar or used to the target language that they learn. In this technique, the students are emphasized to do more practices (adapted from Rodger and Richards: 1986: 142). By applying this technique EFL learners are used to pronounce words accurately and enjoyable.

3. Conclusion
The technique is one of important things that must be applied during teaching and learning process in order the purpose of teaching can be reached. One of the technique can be applied in teaching English pronunciation is  drilling because by applying the technique pronunciation teaching can be more effective, and it is able to improve students’ pronunciation achievement.

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