
Selasa, 17 Desember 2019

Review A Video on YouTube Entitled "Cara Bertahan Hidup di Amerika" by Sasha Marissa

Hello everyone!!

In this post, I would like to review a video from YouTube

The video is very interesting, which is telling how we can survive in America!! For readers who want to live in America, you guys must watch this video^^. I will review a video based on the sociolinguistics courses I have learned.

Before I review the video, I will introduce the owner of the youtube channel named SASHA MARISSA. Sasha is an Indonesian who lives in Texas, USA. The vlog on her YouTube channel contains a lot of things she had experienced during her high school education in America. Besides that, for those of you who want to know American slang, you can visit her YouTube channel.

Well, without any further due, let’s jump into the main discussion!!^^

The Title of The Video: Cara Bertahan Hidup di Amerika
Youtube Channel: Sasha Marissa
Date Published: May 2, 2019
Brief Description of The Video: This video is the way how you can survive in the American version of Sasha Marissa. In this video, she hopes that viewers can learn and be better prepared if you have the chance to live in America. According to Sasha, many Indonesians in America still do not know how to live in America and eventually, these people live with the way when they live in Indonesia, which is certainly very different.
Link Video:

In this video, Sasha often uses code-mixing and diglossia. What is code-mixing? What is diglossia? Code Mixing is mixing of mostly words, but also phrases, clauses or even complete sentences of two languages or varieties. Diglossia describes a particular type of sociolinguistic situation in which there is a clear differentiation in function between the languages or language varieties used in a bilingual/multilingual community. In addition to the community's everyday or vernacular language variety (labeled "L" or "low" variety), a second, highly codified lect (labeled "H" or "high").
I would give you some example words, phrases, or even clauses from the video which indicated code mixing.

  • Hey guys, wie geht’s, apa kabar, how are you, hari ini gue pengen ngomongin tentang tips cara bertahan hidup di Amerika serikat or USA. So without further due, daripada kelamaan intro nya dan sebelum video ini dimulai, I will appreciate it kalo lu like dan subscribe this channel.
  • So, what you gonna do, lu cari dimana KJRI nya karena setiap state punya KJRI.
  • Dan kalo lu mau tau dokumen apa lagi yang dibutuhkan, you can ask me to Instagram.
  • Dimana pun lu berada lu harus punya temen yang berbangsa dan berbahasa Indonesia karena whatever you do, whatever you go, mereka yang akan menolong lu pertama kali.
  • Gue anjurin kalian join club and activities
  • Kebanyakan orang Indonesia tend to temenan sama orang Indonesia lagi, which is bagus, tapi gak mau sama ras lain that is bad juga.
  • Jadi, contohnya kalo lu join club or activities, akan otomatis kalian punya temen baru, ras baru, dan kalian bisa belajar culture dan diversity baru.
  • If you 21 upper or you know what I mean 21 ke atas dan lu minum-minum, kalo lu bukan citizen jangan sampai mencari masalah dengan law atau hukum.
  • Etc
Actually, Sasha uses a lot of code-mixing. So, if you are curious about it, just click the link of the video that I've been put on my blog.

Have you understood about the terms of diglossia? So, the most discussion in this video refers to low or informal diglossia. I will give you an example from the video.

  • Kalo lu di isengin di sekolah, lu bisa bertindak langsung ke kepala sekolah.
In Indonesia, “anda” is High and “Lu” is low diglossia. It is more polite to use “kamu” for friends and “anda” if you talk with older people.
“di isengin” in here means “Bully”. “iseng” indicate Low diglossia. You can use “di gangu” to more polite.

Well, that’s my review video based on the sociolinguistics courses I have learned. I think you must have experienced code-mixing and by using different diglossia when talking. We live in multilingual communities, which means that we can use more than one language when we communicate with others. The conclusion from me is choosing a code or language which is appropriate with participants, topic and location. Never give up to learn language from different countries. Don’t forget to watch the video because it is easy to understand.
If there any correction and an error that I make in this post, comments in the comments column below.
Thank you!!
See you later!!