
Jumat, 12 Oktober 2018

Should Indonesia Follow The Education System in China?

Hello friends!!

Hope you guys have amazing day ^_^

In this post I would like to give you information about education in a nation in the world.

Education is a very significant thing in a nation's life. Education is a strategic media in driving the quality of human resources. This has made education the most important part of the sustainability, development and progress of a country. Everyone needs education to find out who is he/ she in the future. If we have education, of course we can be directed to a better road and have broad insight. But to develop one's quality depends on the education system. There is a proverb say "Tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke Negeri China". You must be familiar with this old proverb, right? I'm sure, almost everyone has heard of it. The question is, why do you should go to China?
The results of the PISA study (Program for International Assessment).

I would like to explain the education system in China which is one of the countries that have good education. Should Indonesia follow the system education in China?
Check this bellow ;)

China's education level is not much different from Indonesia.
The Chinese education system is divided into three years of kindergarten, six years of primary school, and three to six years of secondary education, often followed by several years of higher education. In China Kindergartens and primary schools are usually run by local education authorities or even private enterprises. But whether you decide to send your child to a state school or an international school, you should get ready for a very competitive admissions process, an ambitious education system in general, and tuition fees that might seriously impact your cost of living.
The Chinese education system has a great reputation, but it is also considered one of the most challenging and competitive ones in the world. Not every child thrives in this environment, though. Learn more about China’s school system and the opportunities it offers.

Education system in China and Indonesia

China does not do the concept of learning to memorize, rigid teaching methods that only aim to pass the exam. Rather, the system of approaches or learning systems in China emphasizes the mastery of the material, concepts, and mastery of skills for students by the way students are taught and directed to understand and experience the things they are learning. With this learning approach students can more easily digest lessons and the understanding they have gained can be fully internalized within themselves. In addition facilities and pre-school facilities in China strongly support the learning process. This learning system is very good to be applied only in Indonesia itself the ingredients are less supportive, for example in the laboratory there are many damaged microscopes, this is very disturbing the learning process in the laboratory.
In China it is very important and pay attention to the teaching profession so that later it will produce competent teachers, very different from in Indonesia, the fate of teachers in Indonesia, especially in remote areas is very sad to be ignored.
Many schools in China apply physical punishment, if a student makes a mistake the teacher has the right to punish them either hit or slapped, it is a bit scared but this is done so that students are disciplined and do not become lawbreakers. It is very different from Indonesia, if the teacher acts like that, he will be put in prison. differences can also be seen from the length of learning in school. In China
(Elementary School) = 6:30 - 15:00
(Junior high school)= 06.30 - 17.00
(Senior high school)=06:30 - 19:00 + Additional classes = 22:30 (Half past eleven)
In Indonesia
(Elementary School)= 7:00 - 12:00
(Junior high school)= 7:00 - 15:00
(Senior high school)=7:00 - 15:00

However, the implementation of education is not much different between China and Indonesia because it still applies national exams. In China to enter college, students must follow Gaokao (National Examination in China) held for 8 hours within a period of 2 days, depending on each province. The issue of state university entrance examinations in China or Gaokao is also notoriously difficult and unusual. That is why, students in the country must study extra hard, and even have been prepared since kindergarten, to pass this exam.

This education system doesn't provide many choices for students as in Europe and America. In the book "Who is afraid of the Big Bad Dragon? Why China Has the Best (System) Education System in the World? "It is said that the Chinese education system is very test-oriented, uses test scores as the main criteria in student evaluation which the author calls toxic pedagogies, inhibits creativity, suppresses curiosity and individual , and cause high stress levels. The education system with a model like this is widely applied in Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India and even Indonesia.

In Indonesia, the easiest example of real cases is SBMPTN. Where students are required to work on almost all subjects on the same day, the written test results are the only criteria to consider whether the student is accepted at the University or not. Many people criticize the education system like this because as if someone's ability is only determined by their cognitive abilities through tests that are only done once in contrast to education in America and Europe where creativity, self expression, art and philosophy are upheld.
The main objectives of national examinations in China and Indonesia.

Should national examinations be held? Let's see the reality. The first thing to note is that the population in Asian countries is relatively large compared to Europe and America. With a large population, quantitative evaluations (in this case the exam) are much easier to implement and more effective and efficient in the use of time. Qualitative ability evaluations (such as essays, interviews) are quite time consuming and do not have clear limits because the assessment of each individual will have different standards.

Culture cannot be separated from contributing to this education system where in East Asia, education is something that is upheld and where education is considered the only way to elevate the dignity of the nation.
The most important factor is priority. The main priorities of countries in Asia where opportunities and limited human resources are economic growth. In order for economic growth to occur, they need to score skilled work force quickly. And an education system like this so far has successfully created skilled work force. The education system in Asia is more focused on practical economics, effectiveness and efficiency. With priorities like this and a large population, it is not yet possible for the government to provide an education system that can facilitate all kinds of passion and intelligence. Therefore the government is only able to provide an education system where output is needed in order to achieve economic growth.
Then, what about Indonesia? The curriculum model in Indonesia itself resembles a curriculum in most Asian countries, but not as extreme and as difficult as in China. And the question is, should the Indonesian education curriculum follow in China's footsteps so that our economic growth can be like China?
I don't think so. Indonesia does need a superior and quality generation but not a learning system like in China. If you apply such a learning system like China, it will only put pressure on and make students stressful. If it's like that, suicides will occur a lot among Indonesian students. In China due to heavy pressure ahead of the gaokao season (exams) caused the moment as a tragic trend of suicide among young Chinese. This is even more common in some of the leading schools in China. 

To prevent suicide that often occurs in schools that should be safe and comfortable, the school now looks like a prison.
What needs to be improved from Indonesian education is the infrastructure facilities that should be evenly distributed throughout the country. 

At present there is still a gap in facilities and infrastructure between schools in cities and schools throughout the country in Indonesia. I hope that this kind of gap will end soon so that all students in remote areas of Indonesia can get the same opportunities as those who go to school in the city so they get a quality generation.
For readers this time How much do you want to help Indonesia? Indonesia needs quality people to advance this country. Are you ready to study hard without being forced so that you can contribute to the nation later? Please answer each one 😊
Criticism and suggestions really helped me in improving the writing ^_^
Sources: Google

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

Hello Friends!!
Hope you guys have amazing day ^_^!!

Well, for women readers, have you ever had trouble understanding the hearts, thoughts and feelings of men? For male readers, have you ever felt confused about the mind, heart and mood that easily changes from a woman?

In my third post this time, I will a little bit review of the American author relationship counselor, John Gray's book entitled Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

Once upon a time, Martians met Venusians. They fall in love and make happy relationships because they respect each other and accept their differences. Then they arrived on Earth and began suffering from amnesia. They forget that they are from different planets.

With this metaphor as an illustration of a common quarrel between men and women, John Gray explains the emergence of differences between the two sexes, which interfere with the creation of complementary love relationships. Here are some differences that occur between men and women in a relationship.


Martian gets upset he never talks about what is bothering. He becomes very quiet and goes to his private cave to think about his problem , mulling it over to find a solution. When he has found a solution, he feels much better and comes out of his cave.Venus becomes upset or is stressed by her day, to find relief, she seeks out someone she trusts and then talks in great detail about the problems.

When a man is stuck in his cave women think he is powerless to gives his partner the quality attention she deserves. It is hard for her to be accepting of him at these times because she doesn’t know how stressed he is. She feels he is ignoring her. Venusian will assumes he doesn’t care about her because he isn’t talking to her. 

When women talks about problems, men usually resist. A man assumes she is talking with him about her problems because she is holding him responsible. He doesn’t realize that she is talking to feel better. A man doesn’t know that she will appreciate it if he just listens.
***For a men learn to listen without feeling blamed or responsible. She just wants to talk about her problems and that’s make her to relax.

***For a woman learn to understand that a men going to his cave wasn’t not sign that he didn’t love you. He just need to be alone and find the soultion by himself.


When the Martians and Venusians first got together, they encountered many of the problems with relationships we have today. Because they recognized that they were different, they were able to solve these problems. One of the secrets of their success was good communication.

You see the Martian and Venusian languages had the same words, but the way they were used gave different meanings. Their expressions were similar, but they had different connotations or emotional emphasis.

Woman speak with dramatic language implied a particular request and men speaking rationally.

Men and women seldom mean the same things even when they use the same words. For example, when a woman says "I’m okay” that’s means that the woman was having a problem. The men mean that word is that woman just fine and have not a problem. After that women do not speak anything to him. However when a men will say something brief like "It's nothing" or "I am OK." A woman may respond "I know something's wrong. What is it?" These brief signals are generally the only way a Venusian knows to give him space to work out his feelings alone.

The conclude from me is for woman and men should changes small to the habit in communication but  without forfeiting traits of their own right.


Men are like rubber bands. When they pull away, they can stretch only so far before they come springing back. A rubber band is the perfect metaphor to understand the male intimacy cycle. This cycle involves getting close, pulling away, and then getting close again.Certainly a man may pull away for the same reasons, but he will also pull away even if she has done nothing wrong. He may love and trust her; and then suddenly he begins to pull away. Like a stretched rubber band, he will distance himself and then come back all on his own.

A woman is like a wave. When she feels loved her self-esteem rises and falls in a wave motion. When she is feeling really good, she will reach a peak, but then suddenly her mood may change and her wave crashes down. If she has suppressed any negative feelings or denied herself in order to be more loving on the upswing of her wave, then on the downswing she begins to experience these negative feelings and unfulfilled needs. During this down time she especially needs to talk about problems and be heard and understood.

So this is need good communication, tell to the woman not to be worried or offended by ensuring that they will return in time. Women must resist the temptation to try to pull their partners back quickly or criticize them for their natural behavior so far.


One of the most difficult challenges in our loving relationships is handling differences and disagreements. Often when couples disagree their discussions can turn into arguments and then without much warning into battles. Suddenly they stop talking in a loving manner and automatically begin hurting each other: blaming, complaining, accusing, demanding, resenting, and doubting.

Criticism and suggestions really helped me in improving the writing ^_^

Source image from Google